ࡱ> QSP bjbjVV L<<%  4hw,7L"" >@@@@@@$Y tddyL>> ʆ_*0   ddl  : FULTON SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS Independent Study Approval Form Semester Faculty Mentor (print) Student name (print) Course Number and Section Student ID number Credits As Department Chair, I certify  FORMCHECKBOX  I have reviewed the student work plan for this course and certify it meets COMAR and credit hour requirements.  FORMCHECKBOX  I agree to the student work plan credit hours.  FORMCHECKBOX  I approve the student work plan for this course.  FORMCHECKBOX  I will retain the work plan in the department files.  FORMCHECKBOX  Registration forms (add slips, overload forms, etc.) are attached to, OR  FORMCHECKBOX  The student is already registered for course (No add slip attached). Department Chair (print) Date Department Chair (signature) Date Independent Study Approval Form Salisbury University - Department of Music MUSC 490 Students must obtain permission of a faculty member to serve as a mentor for this course prior to November 1 for spring semester research and April 1 for fall semester research. Term: Student Name: ID#: Number of Credits (1-4): (Code of Maryland Regulations [COMAR] state that each credit hour requires 45 hours of work per semester) Advising Faculty Member: Meeting Schedule: Independent Study Project: Specific Work Plan: (Provide on separate sheet a list of texts, readings and/or repertoire to be studied as well as required written work, presentation and/or performances with method of grading final project. This work plan is to be signed by both faculty member and student. __________ Student Signature Date __________ Independent Study Advisor Approval of Program Date __________ Department Chair Approval of Program Date Student Work/Credit-Hour Requirements for Mentored Courses All mentored coursesindependent studies, undergraduate research, internshipsmust assign student work and grant credit hours in accordance with COMAR regulations for each menu item to help faculty determine the student work requirements and appropriate credit associated with the course in question. All Fulton mentored courses must be COMAR-compliant with regard to the work/credit hour equation. Course Enhancement Menu: The following chart indicates each of the enhancements, its COMAR regulation and the work requirements for one credit hour. Enhancement COMAR Regulation RequirementsIncreased course content and/or collateral readings(.16.C.1.c.)45 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning.Undergraduate Research and Information Literacy(.16.C.1.c. and/or d.)45 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning and/or supervised instruction and documented learning through appropriate technology mediums.Technology(.16.C.1.d.)Supervised instruction and documented learning through appropriate technology mediums.Higher Level Critical Thinking Exercises (analysis, synthesis and evaluation) (1.16.C.1.c. and/or d.)45 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning and/or supervised instruction and documented learning through appropriate technology mediums. Service Learning/Civic Engagement(.16.C.1.c.)45 hours of supervised, documented learning. International Education/Cultural Enrichment(.16.C.1.c.)45 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning. Addition hour(s) of class (.16.C.1.a.)15 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning. Additional hour (s) in lab or studio(.16.C.1.b.)30 hours per semester of supervised, documented learning.  Guidelines for Independent Studies in Music: This course is designed to provide opportunities for students in music that may otherwise not be available. It may include a continuation of skills begun in a lower-level course or any type of individual research in music not normally included in courses offered by the department, or offered in the current semester. Final documentation of the project may be in the form of a written research paper, scored composition(, written analysis, or performance of the work being researched. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Projects must be clearly defined at the outset through consultation between the student and the faculty member. Students must demonstrate the ability to work independently and must have the necessary skills and knowledge of the subject matter to pursue the independent study project. Faculty must provide mentoring on a regularly scheduled basis that complies with COMAR requirements for the number of credit hours to be earned. ( The word scored indicates musical notation when possible. However when a composition is properly presented as a sound file only, a software file used to arrange and/or edit the sounds may serve as the score.     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