
People sitting at table with laptops Salisbury University
Annual Philosophy Symposium

Philosophy Symposium

Philosophy from the Start

Almost everyone who chooses to study philosophy remembers their first experience with a person, a text, or a class that changed their life. This year the 44th Annual Philosophy Symposium will celebrate the way in which questions, authors, texts and ideas light an intellectual fire on first encounter. We will be joined by Michael Naas, Professor (DePaul University), student and translator of Jacques Derrida, who has written extensively on the question of what turns us towards philosophical thinking, as well as Asia Ferrin (American University) who writes on curiosity, mindfulness and teaches the First Year Seminar “Do the Right Thing”. We will instigate discussion around topics like: How is turning towards philosophy different from other conversion experiences like political ideology or religion? What makes a text a great introduction to thinking? Is philosophy something that has universal appeal, or is it only for certain types of people? Please join us for a day of reflection on the first moments we have all encountered a lifelong love!


  • What: 44rd Annual Philosophy Symposium
  • Topic: Philosophy from the Start
  • When: March 2, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • Where: Scarborough Student Leadership Center (1200 Camden Ave)

Free event, Refreshments provided, Everyone welcome

Sponsored by the SU Philosophical Society, the Philosophy Department and alumni

Would you like to share your favorite story about your first steps towards philosophy, whether that was a particular question, thought, text, professor, class, or life experience? and make a post to share.

SU is an Equal opportunity/AA/Title IX university and provides reasonable accommodation given sufficient notice to the University office or staff sponsoring the event or program.

Please help us keep the event free of charge by supporting the Symposium!