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Requested by:Date: SALISBURY UNIVERSITYVENDOR REQUEST FORMEMPLID #Fax (optional): ĵֱ Name: ĵֱ email:Government Classification:Phone:Business Website Address:Vendor # AssignedLocation # Assigned:!(required if employee or student)YesNo Zip Code:AddModify MBE Status SBR Status!U.S. Vendor (W-9 may be required) InactivateVendor SS# (required) orVendor FID # (required):If yes, MBE Status:If yes, MBE Cert #If yes, SBR Cert #Cert Activation Date: 0 012+3,3M4NccB g2ɀ 9(DR\  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M \\salem.salisbury.edu\HH218-CA^  odXLetterCanon4  p Canon iR3570/iR4570 PCL5e(5ddd      d d d d d dd@@d  d  d dd d"edd     ddd      !"#$%&'()*+,d!!d     dd d!"#$ddA     A d     @8o @*/ o @*/ AXXd2 Arial\SRGBCO~1.ICM\SRGBCO~1.ICM\SRGBCO~1.ICM CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIALHArialDefault Settings"aX??&ckU} m E} mE} $ E} mE} IE} E} E} E} $ E} E} $ E9;J  @h@ @h@          @ @     @     @@ @@ hhhhhhhhhhhi A BBBBBBBBBCDFFFFFF hhhhhhhhhhhi  G HIIIIIkkkklFFFFFF J%@ J&@ J* @  K  LLLLLLmmmmnMNNNNNNNNOOO OOOOOO P:QQjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjOOO OOODPNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO P4QQjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj OOODPNNNNRRRRRRRRSTTTUUUUUUPNNVNNNN PNooooooR  W R RSooooooooooD PNNNNRRRRRRRRSTTTUUUUUUPNNVNNNN XB QQaaaaaaaRRRSTTTUUUUUUPNNVNNNND PNNNNRRRRRRRRSTTTUUUUUUPNNVNNNN P NN N' ? 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For a supplier, this will become the vendor ID number. Enter 9 digits only; no symbols.  l\Submission Date Format ErrorEnter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that this form was sent to Accounts Payable with the appropriate completed and signed IRS W-8 or W-9 form. All forms may be faxed to A/P at 410-546-6200 (with the exception of W-8 forms) or mailed to Holloway Hall Rm 218.,The date should be in the MM/DD/YYYY format. @77\MBE Expiration DateCEnter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the certified MBE status expires.  ya@e  f MBE Certification Number*Enter the certification number of the MBE.at e , Vendor NumberThis is the 9-digit vendor number assigned by A/P. The vendor ID is the SS or FID number for a US Vendor not affiliated with SU, the EMPLID (with 2 leading zeroes) if an SU employee or student or R29000000 for a foreign vendor.il H Location CodeThis is the 3 digit location code assigned by A/P for the vendor. This designates the remit to address and Payee name that will be used for this Vendor ID.  iSU ĵֱ Email AddressEnter the personal email address of the ĵֱ Name. We need this information to better communicate with vendors regarding State programs like MBE and SBE.SU, Remit StatelEnter the two digit state code here for a U.S. remit to address. For a foreign Remit To address enter 'XX'.thor## , Same AddressPlace a 'X' in this box if the order from address is the same as the remit to address. If so, skip the order from section and skip down to the requestor information.SU'' , Fax Number Format Error\Enter the fax number including area code where the vendor can be contacted regarding orders.Enter numbers only, no symbols.to re44 ,Business Phone\Enter the phone number including area code where the vendor can be reached regarding orders.. er44B RequesterEnter your name here. ilu77 Remit CountryfIf payment is to be sent to a remit to address outside of the U.S. enter the name of the country here.4f Remit Address 1-Enter the first line of the Remit To address.e e -[ Remit City'Enter the city of the Remit To address.re##,StudentInvalid Character2Place an 'X' in this box if this is an SU student.9This field should either contain an 'X' or be left blank.bo,SupplierVPlace an 'X' in this box if this vendor is anything other than an employee or student. cn n,Employee?Put an 'X' in this box if this is a State of Maryland employee.lor , Fax Number Format ErrorEnter the fax number including area code (10 digits without symbols) where the vendor can be contacted regarding invoicing and payments. Insert numbers only; no symbols.' %% ,Business Phone Format ErrorEnter the phone number including area code (10 numbers without symbols) where the vendor can be reached regarding invoices and payments.Insert numbers only; no symbols  %%%~ EMPLIDHIf the vendor is an SU employee or student, the EMPLID must be obtained.ou bocA ,StudentvPlace an 'X' in this box if this vendor is NOT a certified small business in the small business reserve (SBR) program.ga i, MBE StatusZPut an 'X' in this box if this vendor is a certified minority business enterprise (MBE). erBR ,Foreign VendoryPlace an 'X' in this box if this is a Foreing. Vendor. The appropriate IRS W-8 form with original signature is required., U.S. VendorPlace an 'X' in this box if this is a U.S. Vendor. They must have a Social Security or Federal Tax Identification Number. A W-9 form is required.Innu e-mail addressjEnter the e-mail address to be used to contact the vendor regarding invoicing and payments, if available. Nuer   Business NameEnter the Business Name of the Vendor if it is different than the vendor name above. This is the name that any payments will be made under. ( Vendor NameOEnter Legal or Corporate Name of Vendor as it appears on their W-9 or W-8 form..  i( ĵֱ Name^Enter the name of the main person to contact regarding this vendor and its relationship to SU.e Website Address2Enter the vendor's website address, if available.  vdo ,StudentrPlace an 'X' in this box if this vendor is a certified small business in the small business reserve (SBR) program.mwi, MBE Status^Put an 'X' in this box if this vendor is NOT a certified minority business enterprise (MBE). R)ra  Order Zip/Postal Code Format Error|Enter the Order From Zip or Postal Code. For a U.S. address, enter the 9-digit zipcode (with no symbols) whenever possible.Enter numbers only; no symbols.ol  22 Order CountryoIf payment is to be sent to an Order From address outside of the U.S., then enter the name of the country here.ymls**h Order Address 1/Enter the first line of the Order From address.dehe-,,i Order Address 20Enter the second line of the Order From address.ee-..g Remit Address 2.Enter the second line of the Remit To address.-f Remit Address 3-Enter the third line of the Remit To address.-!!h Order Address 3/Enter the third line of the Order From address.--00] Order City)Enter the city of the Order From address.re22, Order StateqEnter the two digit state code here for a U.S. Order From address. For a foreign Order From address, enter 'XX'.ym*22  Remit Zip/Postal Code Format ErroryEnter the Remit To Zip or Postal Code. For a U.S. address enter the 9-digit zipcode (with no symbols) whenever possible.Enter numbers only; no symbols.. ##, Add VendorInvalid Character;Place an 'X' in this field if you want to add a new vendor.9This field should either contain an 'X' or be left blank.siR,Modify Existing VendorInvalid CharacterPlace an 'X' in this field if you want to modify an existing vendor. If you know the vendor ID number, place it in the blue box in the upper right and then complete those fields that need to be changed. 9This field should either contain an 'X' or be left blank.MMYY2,Inactivate VendorInvalid CharacterPlace an 'X' in this field if you want to inactivate an existing vendor. Either input the vendor ID number in the blue box (upper right) or complete the vendor name information.9This field should either contain an 'X' or be left blank.ntn   MBE Minority StatusYEnter the minority status (e.g., African-American, disabled, etc.) of the certified MBE. int  f SBR Certification Number*Enter the certification number of the SBR.saedgg@ g2ɀ   dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"??&U>@ 7ggD g2ɀ i  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"??&U>@ 7ggD Oh+'0HPp Information TechnologyInformation TechnologyMicrosoft Excel@ƮYz@"@Hw՜.+,0 PXx  Salisbury University Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BCDEFGHJKLMNOPRoot Entry FWorkbookSummaryInformation(ADocumentSummaryInformation8I