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Filmmaker Martha Colburn Workshop and Artist Talk at SU

Artist Martha ColburnSALISBURY, MD---Artist and filmmaker Martha Colburn leads a workshop at Salisbury University noon-3 p.m. Wednesday, October 3, in Conway Hall room 317.
She discusses and screens some of her works during an artist talk 5:30 p.m. Thursday, October 4, in Conway Hall Room 153.

Based in Pennsylvania and Amsterdam, she has exhibited extensively. In the U.S., she opened New York’s Museum of Art and Design with a performance of films and music, and was invited to initiate the Sundance Film Festival’s “New Frontiers” installation program with her work “Meet Me in Wichita.” Two of her films are part of the collections of New York’s Museum of Modern Art and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

In 2013, her film Metamorfoza was selected to participate in the series “Visual Arts,” performed by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. She also has performed at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and during Amsterdam Art Week. In addition, her works have been hosted by the Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, Spain, and the B3 Biennale of the Moving Image in Frankfurt, Germany.

Her honors include the National Poetry Film Festival’s Kenneth Patchen Award, Best Animated Film at the New York and Chicago Underground Film festivals, and the Exaequo (Best Short Film) award at l’Alternativa Film Festival in Barcelona.

Sponsored by the SU Art Department new media area and SU Art Galleries, admission to her workshop and talk are free, and the public is invited. Advance RSVP is requested for the workshop.

To register, or for more information, call 410-548-2547 or visit the .