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CAMP Puts Daniel in Touch with Future as a Filmmaker

By SU Integrated Marketing

SALISBURY, MD---Daniel Cruz knew he had the potential to be a great filmmaker. All he needed was a little push to put him in reach of his dream.

Cruz came to Salisbury University from a background that was different from many of his peers. He is no stranger to hard work, and he has spent many long hours weathering the elements on farms so he could go to college. He qualified for the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), which helped him enroll as a communication major at SU. The CAMP grant paid for his first year at the University and has provided him the resources to continue his education.

“Farm work is extremely difficult, and for some, it’s the only option they have,” Cruz said. “The CAMP grant helps provide migrant workers and their children a more comfortable way to enter college – because for many of us, school is very intimidating, and may not even be possible without resources.”

In addition to financial assistance, CAMP provides students tutoring and test preparation, educational supplies including textbooks, help with forms such as the FAFSA, transportation to and from campus for those who commute, and many other services that help relieve the burdens and stress that come with pursuing a college education.

Through the program, Cruz has been connected with professors who have led him in the right direction and helped him be more confident about his future in filmmaking. His dream goal is to direct a blockbuster film, and he would love to lead a team in creating a scene that involves visual effects and CGI.

“SU has everything I need here – the cameras, microphones, programs, even professors who will help me out if I need anything at all,” Cruz said. “It’s great to have faculty who are there for me and help me find internships and filmmaking opportunities.”

While at SU, Cruz has developed multiple video projects to gain experience and build up his portfolio, including a video to help bring awareness about CAMP to other students who may benefit from it. Thanks to the program, he didn’t have to worry about money or other barriers to his education, and it has given him the connections to be more successful in his future.

“CAMP made my college experience possible,” Cruz said. “I want to show other students that they could make it here, too. It’s a great example of what we can accomplish, if you give us the opportunity to do better.”

Learn more about CAMP and other resources for first-generation college students.

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